After 30 years of service with Bishop Anderson House, Ann Ryba will be retiring on 12/22/21. Ann was introduced to Bishop Anderson House through the Teddy Bear Ministry at Cook County Hospital in the 1980’s. She later served on the Board of Trustees including two terms as the Board President. Ann continued as a staff member when she was hired over ten years ago. Ann has touched many lives, both directly and indirectly throughout her ministry. Help us to celebrate all of her accomplishments on Saturday, November 6th. Due to the current pandemic conditions, we will be hosting the party on Zoom. The Zoom link will be open beginning at 4:45pm with a photo montage honoring all that Ann has done to further the ministry of Bishop Anderson House. The program will begin at 5:00pm. When the programming ends, we will have the opportunity for breakout rooms for Ann to visit with all attendees. If you are interested in sharing a memory during the call, please contact The Rev. Tommy Rogers
via email with your comments no later than Friday, October 29. Please limit your remarks to two minutes. We are also putting together a memory book for Ann. If you have a story or photo you wish to be included, please send it to Kim Lessner
via email no later than Friday, November 12. Please
click here to register for the Zoom link information.
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