A chaplain’s vocation brings a wide array of experiences and recently Chaplain Micheal shared two stories that revived his spirit as a chaplain.

In the morning, he encountered a young girl who was adamant that the nurse was not going to stick her with a needle, as crucial as that was to her good health. Knowing of our Teddy Bears, the nurse asked for one, and Micheal scurried to bring one to the young patient.  The youngster delightedly grabbed Teddy with one arm and the needle stick happened in the other arm. A win win for all!

Later in the day, a family dealing with DNR and end of life issues requested a Catholic priest. When no priest came to the room, Micheal stepped in with prayers, counsel and comfort, easing the anxiety of both patient and family members. Providing closure as he did was crucial, because the patient died during the night, and would not have had those last moments of spiritual care that Micheal brought to the room.